How To Get Cost-Effective Lighting Solutions At Your Office

COVID-19 has changed the way a company functions. While revenue generation remains their primary goal, never before have business owners or property managers focused on cost-effective lighting solutions. And rightly so – lighting bills comprise 30%+ of a company’s operating expenses. You could either redesign your business space or retrofit it with energy management solutions to reduce your operating expenses. Scroll down to know how.
Ways to make lighting at your office cost-effective
Good planning is the key to executing a successful lighting project within a business space. Not only does it enable companies to pay for what they need but it also helps them project and increase their return on investment. Given below are a few ways to make lighting at your office cost-effective:
1) Retrofit key areas
Areas that are critical to employee safety, hard to maintain, and consume the most electricity must be retrofitted with LED lights as a priority. Inspect and evaluate your business space to determine which areas are to be retrofitted to increase cost-effectiveness. The next step is to retrofit all remaining areas, thereby bringing your property one step closer to becoming sustainable.
2) Building Automation Systems (BAS)
Building Automation Systems can help property managers control the lighting remotely within a business space. This retrofit works with your existing lighting and can help provide historical data along with remote control diagnostics. Only areas in your property that are being used will be lit, saving you up to 35% more on your lighting bills. Sensors, timers, and dimmers can be connected to a BAS.
3) Reduce the light intensity
Over-illuminating a business space is a common mistake made by most property managers. With the increase in screen time – an existing source of light – reducing overhead lighting is a feasible option. Light brightness must be more than your computer screen but need not be 100%. Not only does this ensure lower lighting bills but also makes for a more comfortable environment.
4) Hire a specialized team
Energy management companies have a specialized design team to help businesses with their lighting needs. They understand your requirement, project the cost, provide you with options, and retrofit your business space. Not only do they understand the technology in use but also deliver designs and products that make your property aesthetically appealing – not to mention, they help boost energy efficiency!
Energy management companies can help you by retrofitting key areas with LED lights, installing and programming a BAS, and adjusting the light intensity. But which one should you partner with?
EnerSavings – Your Trusted Energy Advisors
EnerSavings is Canada’s leading energy management company that specializes in providing businesses with lighting solutions. We have a simple six-step process from planning to executing your business’ lighting – it starts with a FREE property assessment! This is where we identify key areas of improvement and then present you with a custom proposal. Every strategy we formulate is with the goal of giving you cost-effective lighting solutions. This means you can get up to 75% lower lighting bills and reduce your GHG emissions while increasing employee productivity with just one solution! To know more, send us an email on or visit