HVAC SYSTEM Myths Vs Reality

HVAC systems are essential to business spaces. They ensure employee comfort by maintaining the ideal temperatures

HVAC systems are essential to business spaces. They ensure employee comfort by maintaining the ideal temperatures and keeping occupants safe by ensuring high indoor air quality (IAQ). However, constant usage means they result in high energy bills too; but that’s not all. People tend to read about tips and tricks – many of which are from non-reputed sources. While their effectiveness is lower than what’s stated, they can be counterproductive too. Such myths can cost you money and today, we’re going to break these myths. Scroll down to see the most interesting HVAC myths vs the reality.

Busting HVAC myths with facts

HVAC systems are complex machines that experts understand inside out. That’s why we want to bust the most interesting myths and present you with the facts. More on that below.

Myth: Your HVAC system will perform well in your business space, irrespective of the system’s size.

Reality: An HVAC unit that’s too small for a business space will have to work harder to heat or cool it properly. On the contrary, a bigger unit will heat and cool the space faster than required, which is why the compressor will be forced to turn on and off quicker than required. Either way, the system will wear out much before it otherwise would have.

Myth: Air filters do not have to be replaced for at least a year or two.

Reality: The air filter is an essential part of an HVAC system as it removes dust from inside the furnace. It also captures debris, bacteria, and viruses that are airborne and prevents them from getting circulated indoors. This is why they often get dirty and make your HVAC system work harder. Change the air filter based on what the HVAC manufacturer has recommended; check it often to ensure it’s clean.

Myth: Closing the air vents in unoccupied rooms saves money as the air is used only where required.

Reality: The air distribution flow in your HVAC system is designed based on your business space. Closing air vents in even 1 room can throw off the entire air distribution and put pressure on the ducts. This makes your HVAC system work harder than required, resulting in early wear and tear; not to mention, higher energy bills!

Myth: Operating your HVAC system in short spurts can lower energy bills as the system is used for less time.

Reality: HVAC systems use maximum energy for 3 to 5 minutes after starting the post which consumes less energy. Constantly turning your HVAC system on and off to save on energy bills tends to be counterproductive. Keep your system on for at least 50 minutes to an hour and then switch it off if required to maximize energy efficiency.

Myth: You need to get your HVAC system serviced only if it malfunctions; otherwise, it results in a waste of time and money.

Reality: While facility owners should get old HVAC systems serviced regularly, this applies to newer, more energy-efficient systems, too. This is because regular maintenance ensures maximum energy savings and a longer lifespan. It must be done regardless of the weather conditions and this prevents small problems that you cannot see from escalating into big ones.

It is essential to contact HVAC system professionals for clarity on myths like those stated above. Doing so before retrofitting your business space ensures you have complete peace of mind. In addition, the HVAC system installed will be (or should be, at least) custom-fitted based on your property. But which HVAC system professionals will do this?

EnerSavings – Your Trusted Energy Advisors

EnerSavings is Canada’s leading energy management company. Our specialty lies in retrofitting business spaces with HVAC systems and solutions. This ensures lower energy bills by up to 50%, higher employee productivity, and reduced GHG emissions. Our strategic partnership with PL Energy means you get the best quality products along with the EnerSavings white-glove service. We’d be happy to assist you with any HVAC system-related queries (or myths), too! To know more, send us an email at info@enersavings.com or visit www.enersavings.com/hvac.

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